Holy Wednesday is a time to reflect on the healing power of God in our lives. This day serves as a reminder that God’s breath gives us life and that we are all connected to him. As we take a moment to relax and breathe, we can be mindful of the healing power of God that is present in every breath we take.
The creation story in the book of Genesis tells us that God breathed the breath of life into Adam, and from that breath, Adam became a living being. This act of breathing has been passed down to all of us, and every time we inhale and exhale, we are breathing the very breath of God.
Nowadays, it has become very common to practice breathing exercises as a way to calm and heal our bodies. Science has shown us that focused breathing can help to reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and even improve digestion. But what many people don’t realize is that the very act of breathing is also a way to connect with God’s healing power.
As we breathe in, we can be mindful of the healing power of God that is present in every breath. We can believe that God has healed us emotionally, physically, mentally, financially, or whatever healing we need. And as we breathe out, we can send that healing to everyone we know who needs it.
In this way, we become the healing breath of God to our community and to our brothers and sisters. We can experience God’s healing in our own lives and share that healing with others. We are all connected and one with God, and by breathing in his healing power, we can become instruments of that healing in the world.
On Holy Wednesday, let us focus on the healing scriptures and the healing power of God in our lives. Let us be mindful of the breath of God that gives us life, and let us use that breath to bring healing to ourselves and to others. May we all experience the power of God’s healing in our lives today and always.